Rachel Spiteri Assistant Secretary A LITTLE MORE ABOUT RachelI have a close family member with Multiple Sclerosis, so I have a personal understanding of the challenges of the condition and how it affects both the individual and those that love and care for them. Seeing the challenges and impact of MS first hand has made…
Emmanuel Buhagiar Honorary Member A LITTLE BIT MORE ABOUT EmmanuelEmmanuel Buhagiar għandu disgħa u sebgħin sena, ilu membru fis Soċjeta tal-Multiple Sclerosis u membru ukoll fil-kumitat mill-bidu nett li s-soċjeta’ ġiet imwaqqfa. Li ħajru li jingħaqad mas-soċjeta’ huwa l-fatt li l-martu Mary kellha l-kundizzjoni tal-MS. Hija ħallietna fl-4 ta’ Marzu tal-2021 fl-eta ta sitta u…
Christine Montague Secretary A LITTLE MORE ABOUT Christine:Hi! Some of you may know me as the Secretary for MS Society of Malta, others as simply Christine. I am also an MS patient who is trying to make some sense of this condition. To this aim I attend conferences and courses. I have qualified as a…
CARMEN MUSCAT MEMBER A LITTLE MORE ABOUT Carmen Member My name is Carmen Muscat and I am an MS patient. From the moment, I was diagnosed with the condition, I joined the Society to have support in my life while getting the information I required to start living with MS. However, this was not enough.…