When you live with a medical condition, whatever the condition may be, there is surely one thing in common. Our bodies are not in balance. So what is our duty? To balance as much as we can and not to continue with the bad habits.
There are those who choose the path of using the conventional medicine while there are others who choose the path that favours the natural ways. We do not have control over everything, so we will be talking about some points that, whichever path you will choose, will definitely not mislead you.
Healthy good food never did anyone any wrongdoings; and you will definitely love breathing in fresh air. Just imagine, sitting at a beach, taking a bite of a piece of a mouthwatering filled bread, listening to splashing waves. Even imagining and visualising this picture will make you feel instantly better.
So let us start with the first thing that can be changed in the morning. There is nothing better than giving what our body wants to kickstart the day. So we start by drinking a glass of fresh water with sprinkles of squeezed lemon juice. Our liver will surely thank us as we are giving it what it wants to start off with what it is supposed to do … that is to cleanse our internal system. Never use still-boiling water directly from the kettle as this will kill off the vitamin C in the lemon juice and we require this for our immune system to avoid colds and flu.
It is important, that during the day we consume enough water not just to stay hydrated, but also to aid moving oxygen in our bodies. Sometimes, when you are in the mood of wanting to snack on something, it is generally not due to being hungry, but because you are thirsty. Hence you will be avoiding to nibble on foods that are not nutritious which will not help in our health. Aim at drinking at least 8 glasses of water during the day.
Another thing to avoid is cows milk and all that products that include this produce. This milk is intended for the calves and not for us humans. There are other alternatives to cows milk. Such options include coconut milk, soya milk or rice milk. At first the taste would be different, but after a while you can get used to it and might also make it your preference. In the morning, instead of cereal with milk, you can opt for chia seeds with coconut milk. You can prepare these with a can of coconut milk. Leave in the fridge till the next morning and voilà, you have a bowl filled with good nutrients.

It is a fact that sugar causes inflammation in our bodies and we need to avoid inflammation. We do not just find sugar in our cup of coffee or tea, but also in soft-drinks, cakes, biscuits and even in products that include gluten, such as pasta and bread. This is because pasta and bread are made with wheat flour, and as soon as this enters in our system, this is automatically converted into sugar. When you have that funny feeling of wanting something good, try to put an olive in your mouth and you will notice that you forget about wanting a sugary snack.
Another thing that we need to keep in mind, is that it is not true that to avoid putting on weight we must not consume fats. The truth is that we are to avoid eating fried foods, but it is important to eat good fats, such as cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil, avocado and fish oil.
If you intend to start off with this kind of life-style, do not try to change everything at one-go, as you might end up loosing heart from the very start. However, you should start one thing at a time; example start by taking the daily 8 glasses of water. Next time round, we will discuss other points that we can tackle to make our life-style better.
But always keep in mind … I can … Of course I can.