
The MS Society of Malta is run by patients for patients. We are volunteers dedicating our time and resources as a means of helping other patients like ourselves. MSshop is a project funded through the Small Initiatives Scheme fund managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector.


This project will allow the  MS society to enhance its existing web presence through the creation of an online shop which allows the VO to:

  1. Allow members to pay for their membership system online – this will replace the current very slow manual payment system which is time-consuming and very resource demanding
  1. Allow members of the public to donate towards specific projects by the MS society – this will help the public contribute to specific projects being developed by the VO, rather than just general donations
  1. Allow members of the public to purchase tickets or physical products – this will create a new income stream for the VO which currently does not offer any online selling


Through this project, the MS Society will also avail itself of the services of a warranted lawyer  to  assist it with meeting its General Data Protection Regulation obligations, both with regards to the online shop as well as its Data Privacy obligations with holding its member’s details.


An RFQ for the development of an online shop with ancillary services related to consultancy, training and maintenance has just been published. More details about the RFQ can be obtained by contacting the society on